Internation Exchange and Cooperation
On 25th May, four school leaders from Woodbury University, who were President Dr. David Steele, Mr. Mauro Diane, International Department Director& Admissions Director, Dr. Andre van Neikerk, Former Dean of  Commercial College as well as Madam Yvonne Saalman, Deputy Director of International Student Recruitment Office, arrived at Anqing Foreign Language School to discuss international exchange and cooperation between the two sides. Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli and Director Xu Zuitai with the International Department extended a warm welcome to the distinguished guests. Accompanied by Madam President, Dr. David Steele and his colleagues observed students’ martial arts drilling, toured the campus, the School History Museum and teaching buildings. They fully affirmed the teaching environment, hardware facilities and software equipment of Anqing Foreign Language School.
At the following symposium, President Madam Huang Wenli introduced Anqing Foreign Language School’s development history, educational ideas, development concept, international development strategies of school running at present, teaching and scientific research in addition to faculty structure.
After the symposium, Madam Yvonne Saalman presented our senior high students the detailed information of Woodbury University and issues on overseas studying. In the meantime, Dr. David Steele, President of Woodbury University, expreessed his gratitude for the warm reception of Anqing Foreign Language School. He especially appreciated Anqing Foreign Language School’s special educational measures. This official visit of the leadership from Woodbury University further widened the communication channels between Anqing Foreign Language School and American education, which laid a solid foundation for the subsequent international collaboration and exchange between the two sides.

